Warning: The magic method Merlin_Logger::__wakeup() must have public visibility in /home/u655074988/domains/puretechdrinkingwater.com/public_html/wp-content/themes/paanee/demo-import/includes/class-merlin-logger.php on line 194 Better Drinking – PureTech_Drinking_Water
Two thirds of the population do not drink the recommended daily amount
Thirst is a poor indicator of mild dehydration. Look for:
Dry, itchy skin
Tired or groggy during day
Headaches and dizziness
Lapses in concentration or heartburn
Lower back pain or dark yellow urine
Drinking enough water improves the function of your body, including your circulatory, assimilation and digestive systems, your ability to regulate your body temperature and your joint lubrication.